A Number of Issues During the Campaigns - PS4

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Commander Scott
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A Number of Issues During the Campaigns - PS4

Post by Commander Scott »

In the base campaign, during Chapter 10: Negotiation, Clothos’ basestar becomes inert after announcing The Commander has control.

In Chapter 12: Galactica, the civilian ships are no longer booby trapped when approached by the investigating fleet.

In the Sin and Sacrifice campaign, after playing Mission 8: Executive Order, Cylon fleets no longer spawn in Helios Alpha. I don’t know if this is a bug or by design, but I had hoped to play out the fall of my defence fleets in the system. I even intended to employ the tactic of only repairing the Battlestar Athena (due to series bible stating she is one of only three like Galactica to survive the war) and replacing used ordinance and destroyed squadrons with default ones, even though my slow burn style of play ensures I have ample resources to nullify the lack of income.

When starting Resource Missions, I almost always find myself jumping in high above the Cylons. This results in very similar battles, even with different units and formations. It would be nice if a more varied jump-in experience could be provided.

“Nuke incoming” and “launching nuke”. These barks are in stark contrast to the more authentic announcements throughout the game. In the re-imagined series, both Dualla and Mr. Hoshi announce incoming nuclear weapons with the call “radiological alarm”. Likewise, when completing Galactica's nuclear launch procedure in The Eye of Jupiter, Admiral Adama states that “the release of nuclear weapons is now authorised”. Since Adama, as the highest ranking officer left in the Colonial Fleet, is authorising the use of his own ship's nuclear payload, the more widely known term (thanks to the great Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide) stating “the release of nuclear weapons has been authorised” may be a better fit for lieutenants Agathon and Singh when receiving that order.

Also, when Helena makes the announcement "launching fighters", the volume is barely audible compared to all her other barks.

It would great if the bark sets could be updated in time for the Armistice DLC, since I expect Erika Ishii and Ryan Self will be recording new lines soon, given their roles in the story.
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Commander Scott
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Re: A Number of Issues During the Campaigns - PS4

Post by Commander Scott »

A small update.

Following Mission 8: Galleon, of the Resurrection campaign, there is a dialogue tree called Hell of a Call. In it, Doc Cottle addresses Commander Nash as captain. A simple mistake to be sure, but one that really should have been caught when the line was recorded since it breaks immersion. There are also a few instances of incorrect terms being used in the fleet chatter. One such instance is at least one pilot saying "god damn it" instead of "gods damn it". The commanding officer is also addressed as captain on a number of occasions, such as when the FTL drive is spooled up for an emergency jump.
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Commander Scott
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Re: A Number of Issues During the Campaigns - PS4

Post by Commander Scott »

Upon joining the Ghost Fleet, I'm unable to rename the Artemis-class battlestar Pinatubo and the Minotaur-class gunship Bishop. All other default Ghost Fleet ships can be renamed.

Also, I've meant to mention this for a long time, but kept forgetting. When starting an after action replay, all gun batteries are in the position they finished the mission. It's purely aesthetic obviously, but it'd be lovely if they began in the default position like when the mission starts.
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Commander Scott
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Re: A Number of Issues During the Campaigns - PS4

Post by Commander Scott »

I found a few new problems today. First, when using raptors and sweepers to disable mines, you have to do it before the ship they came from is destroyed, otherwise the mines can't be disabled. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a giant pain in the arse that is when dealing with a swarm of virus mines.

Secondly, there is a fleet chatter audio bug when using the Orion-class, which can then recur at random for all Colonial ships during a session. It's a strange static-type hissing sound that cuts off the dialogue midsentence.

Finally, this is one of those bugs that helps lessen the load, but isn't exactly ideal. In Ghost Fleet Mission 9: Retaliation, both the Hydra and Gorgon support ships crashed into the immobile basestar. The replay suggested they just didn't see it given the way they both maneuvered into it.

P.S. I hope not getting a response isn't indicative of this thread being overlooked.
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