
Empires Apart is an old-school Real Time Strategy game set in medieval times. Play as one of six uniquely designed factions. Gather resources, raise an army and lead your civilization to victory in a multiplayer focused classic RTS, brought to the modern age.
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Post by jeffny01 »

What are the future plans for the game as far as the graphics? I know it's early in development, but I get the impression you're heading toward a cartoony style look, such as TorchLight. Honestly i'm not a fan of that style. Is that where you're going with it?
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Re: Graphics

Post by Adne »

Oooh, huh? The game is not really that early in development, jeffny01. There is even a trailer available!!!
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Re: Graphics

Post by AlexDetrojan »

I'm hoping that this is not the final results graphics wise. If it is, well, Age of Empires did a much better job back in 1997. Not sure why you would want to make a game visually like this. Are you dumbing things down for a newer generation? If released as we see it now, Slitherine I predict it will be a dog. Slitherine you used to do so much better...
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Re: Graphics

Post by Adne »

I fail to understand why the graphics are relevant in a competitive RTS game, the only thing that matters is the readability of the game, right? As far as I can tell the readability is really good, the aesthetics of the game are for obvious reasons very irrelevant.
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Re: Graphics

Post by AlphaRebel »

There are PLENTY of games that use a low poly artstyle in 2018. Eidolon, For the King, PolyWings and Desisim just to name a few. AoE was going for the most realistic graphics of its time back in '97. Empires Apart is straying away from the "realistic" look and they're doing it just fine. Its nice to see a change of pace in RTS's especially when it comes to playability and graphics.
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Re: Graphics

Post by ljonata »

I think I got the point in jeffny01's comment. I don't like the Age of Empires Online because of its cartoonist design, for example.

But here an idea for the next version: there are some mathematical functions in computer graphics that simulate dirtiness, that would appear more realistic than plain clean surfaces. I am not a specialist but I believe if there was a "dirtiness function" associated to each type of surface (e.g., wood, skin, rooftops, etc) it would appear 200% better!

That's my humble opinion.
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Re: Graphics

Post by IainMcNeil »

Thanks for the feedback but the art style is really unique and is not going to change, It makes the game easy to identify and it makes it easy to read what is happening on screen. We're really pleased with how it looks and the reaction from players has been great.

While some people may not like the art style that's down to personal preference rather than quality.

We make games in all sorts of art styles and so this is not a change in direction, we just want all games to have their own identity.
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Re: Graphics

Post by ljonata »

I think it is only a matter for us t get used to it. After watching a couple of videos, I started to like it.
One thing: I saw somewhere that in the future you will share an interface for the users create and customise civilisations. Can we customise the appearance of the units? Is there like a limit of the number of meshes (triangles) to keep them simple of we can overload them?
Second thing: In case the tool will really exist, please, make available drawing not only polygons but also lines (so I can add some scratches appearance to my units)
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Re: Graphics

Post by IainMcNeil »

There are definitely plans to support modding but the dev team will be able to tell you to what extent. I don't know if new models/units are possible.
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Re: Graphics

Post by PanCalvus »

I had my doubts about the look before I was let into the beta. (A beta about which I can now freely talk, thanks developers!) In fact it was one of my main concerns. Like you guys I was a big, big fan of the isometric look of Age of Empires 1 and 2. It's just so clear and unobstructed, yet feels alive at the same time. After playing just a handful of matches though I found the Empires Apart graphics do exactly the same thing. The units stand out from the environment while still looking like they belong in it, even on lower graphics settings. The 3D rendering does eat more computing power (my laptop which is over six years old now and sits around the minimum specs has problems handling longer matches in the current beta build, but the software already does a good job of slowing the game down rather than making it lag and stutter), but it also allows the units more freedom of movement, which looks cool. The models strike a good balance between being low poly enough to render, colorful and clear enough to see and well made and realistic enough to enjoy, at least in my opinion. It may not show from pictures and screenshots too well, but in videos and especially when playing for yourself you get a different look at them.
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Re: Graphics

Post by VegasOZ »

I'm not a fan of cartoon style graphics. It makes a game look like it's for teenie boppers or children. Sorry but I'll be passing on this one.
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Re: Graphics

Post by Patrick Ward »

Stylised and part of the low-poly genre, yes.

Cartoony? Not quite. That suggests that animated films from the likes of Pixar are just childrens or teeny boppers cartoons because they use non-photorealistic rendering techniques and stylized form. Cartoons are something entirely different.

No. Its an RTS that uses the form and structural emphasis of the low-poly genre to provide a beautiful, interesting and enticing environment while improving the readability of that environment and the units contained in it. It also provides a natural scalability that ensures it runs on as broad a range of computers as possible.
In the wider world of games and film its not new. In the world of Slitherines more serious strategy games, its a bold and successful step forward.

Torchlights visual style is an entirely diferent genre.

If you genuinly have no understanding of the genre, Google for Low Poly or look up the games suggested by AlphaRebel. Its a style that exagerates the polygonal nature of the assets and when used with clever environmental lighting and colour can provide a decidedly rich and inviting environment.
Last edited by Patrick Ward on Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Graphics

Post by GiveWarAchance »

Cartoon style graphics are my favorite like in games 'Mark of the Ninja' and Civ 6 (although I never play civ 6 but love how it looks). Too many games are trying to look realistic so they don't look interesting.
I don't think Empires Apart looks so cartoonish but more of a unique simple style which is good too.
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Re: Graphics

Post by Mike_Trase »

I think that the developers are great, but there is no limit to perfection, there is always something to improve or correct
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