****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** RC1 Release Notes

Warhammer Open Beta

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FlashBack Games
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****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** RC1 Release Notes

Post by Rudankort »

Hello All!

Release candidate build has been made available for testing. We have tried to close all glaring holes in the game to make a solid version 1.0. Hopefully, there are no critical issues, but if you spot anything which in your opinion prevents us from releasing, please shout!

What's new

- Another round of major content rework. See full change log below.
- All voice overs added
- Impact effects added.
- Global options added.
- New game options added (mostly difficulty levels).
- Added victory screen.
- Added "i" button used to review mission objectives at any time.
- Added some characters talking mid-scenario.
- Unit special abilities now show in Purchase UI.
- Added final images to campaigns and scenarios.
- A lot of bug fixes, minor improvements and tweaks throughout the game.

At this points, everything is the game is supposed to be final. No placeholder stuff which will be replaced later. So, any issue anywhere is a concern. Let us know about everything you spot. Thanks!

================ Beta 4 release notes ================

What's new

- All known crashes should be fixed, if you still encounter a CTD, let me know.
- Most bugs from the Bug Thread have been fixed.
- A huge number of tweaks and improvements in the campaign and in weapons/units stats. See full changelog below.
- All campaigns and scenarios are in and ready to play.
- All briefings are in place.
- All movement sounds for all units in place.
- All attack animations for all units are in place, for each unit's weapon separately. Impact effects still to be added.
- Intro movie added
- First iteration of Multiplayer mode added
- Some tutorial messages added, more to come.
- Option to set player's custom name.

Important notes

- Every time you finish a scenario in the campaign, the game will create a small text file in %My Documents%\My Games\Warhammer 40,000 Armageddon\Beta folder, containing some quick statistics. File name looks like this: <date>_<time>_<scenario name>.log, so it should be easy to find the right file. If you are playing a campaign, please create a thread in this beta forum and post the contents of these files as you go. If you can also supply your impressions about the finished mission, any issues you have encounterd etc., this will be perfect.

- The game is still beta version, not release, so please save often, and also use autosaves.

- Saved games from beta 3, unfortunately, will not work with beta 4. The changes were so big, preserving backwards compatibility was not feasible.

- We have already accumulated some useful feedback on Tutorial and Act 1, but very little on act 2 and act 3. We badly need your feedback on those! If you have already played tutorial/act 1 in the previous betas, or if you are a veteran wargamer, consider playing act 2 and 3 instead. The battles are much bigger and more challenging there.

- Please refer to this thread for some details on gameplay and game mechanics.

- If you have won a mission, but the game does not give you victory, you can press V hotkey to get instant victory. This cheat will of course be removed from release version, but it might be very helpful in testing.
Last edited by Rudankort on Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
FlashBack Games
FlashBack Games
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Re: Beta 4

Post by Rudankort »

Detailed changelog for beta 4

Unit Balance Changes:
Significantly reduced the bonus avoidance given to units in cover. Range of defense moved from 25%-75% down to 20%-50%
Reduced excessive rate of fire of weapons previously designed to be anti-infantry that compensated for above mentioned avoidance by having very high rate of fire (Vulcan Mega Bolter went from 10 RoF to 6 for example)

All units now have proper cost for experience gaining purposes
Add Rough Riders unit to purchase list
Add basic Leman Russ to purchase list
Added three gunships to each imperial and space marine faction
Changed third heavy bolter weapon on Leman Russ tanks
Gave Wyvern mortar weapon indirect fire trait
Reduce rate of fire for Rattler Cannon by about half
Krusha cannon 80% penetration rating reduced
Increased accuracy for all Leman Russ units
Lascannon weapons gained armor penetration at a slight loss of power
Kill Krusha defense down
Beast units (such as Squiggoth) defense down
Improved accuracy on units armed with sniper
Improve rate of fire on lightning claw
Improve Blood Angel death squad general stats to compensate for weaponry allotment
Increase rate of fire for most mortar units
Unit count for land raiders reduced to base 4
Bale eye Rate of Fire reduced to 1
Doubled rate of fire on Ogyrn ripper gun
Boosted general stats of veteran ogryn unit
Increased price of ogryn and veteran ogryn
Volcano cannon increased to 5 range
Volcano cannon increased rate of fire from 1 to 2 to match plasma blastgun
Minor reduction in base accuracy of units with volcano cannons to compensate
Plasma blastgun reduced to 3 range
Plasma blastgun penetration reduced to 40
Temporarily removed bulky from all direct fire weapons pending testing
Gatling blaster reduced to range 3
Gatling blaster reduced to 50 power and 0 penetration, but rate of fire increased to 7
Laser blaster reduced to 90 power and 20 penetration, but rate of fire increased to 4
Apocalypse missile rate of fire increased to 5
Ork Gargant weapons and some very heavy weaponry such as Skullhamma Kannon also given adjustments to rate of fire and base accuracy.
Multi melta, being a melta type weapon, gained 30% penetration up from 0.
All heavy bolters now have maximum range 3
Grotzooka range reduced to 1, power and penetration ratings increased
Whirlwind missiles reduced to max range 3
Dakka guns reduced to range 1
Kustom mega blasta reduced to range 2
Supa kannon reduced to range 5
Lifa droppa increased to range 3
Punisher gatling increased to range 2
Reduced accuracy of transport units such as Chimera and Gorgon significantly.

Scenario Changes:
Tutorial 4
Removed bottom left deploy area
Tutorial 4 objective is no longer displayed late
Add several penal legion units to first wave of attacking AI forces

Act 1 Scenarios:

Across the board reduction in amount of Ork units in most Act 1 Scenarios
Across the board migration of ork infantry out of excellent defensive positions throughout Act 1
Remove all Grot Mega Tanks from early Act 1
Improved pre set force for scenario 1a and 1b Opening Faults and Perimeter Patrol

Campscen1a Opening faults
Removed several ork support teams
Allowed greater freedom of movement on the map

Campscen1b Perimeter patrol
Increased turn limit by 2

Campscen2A Desperate Rout
Added proper flag control to maps locations
Added graphic for extraction location
Slowed down a few ork attackers that coming up from behind
Moved a few Orks out of well defended positions

Campscen2b Preemptive Strike
All ork forces on the left side of the map forced to hold position until proper trigger sets them loose
Removed 1 gretchkin from the ridgeline area
Removed a few artillery units from the ridgeline area
Added markers to display exit hex location for 2nd phase of mission
Added more deployment zones
Forced Ork units on initial VH to stand their ground
More ork forces on the left, a few AUX imperial units addedon the left to slow them down and make this ork threat visible sooner
More ork forces on the right

Thinned out Ork forces in front of the riverline and moved them out of entrenched areas
Reduced Grot Megatank to Grot tank

Campscen3b Shuttle Search
Grot mega tanks reduced to grot tank
Zone 2 moved one hex left
Cleaned up mission pop up messages
Slightly reduced ork map presence
Set all orks to attack when 2 flags are owned
There are now VH markings on all crash site locations

Campscen 4 Defending Minos Crossing
Remove a few allied AUX conscripts
Added several of weak light orks near player start to get combat started sooner
Increased free point allotment for scenario
Increased size of deployment area

Campscen5 Obedience to Orders
Removed one ork infantry who were blocking the titan from reaching the victory hex
Removed several other ork infantry

Campscen6A helping the helpless
Cleaned up all instances of invisible cliffs
Removed significant numbers of Ork units
Added victory hex markings for escort destination

Campscen6b Battle on the Diabolus
Removed a few heavy ork vehicles, reduced turn limit by 2
Increased size of deployment area

Campscen 7A Infernus Arrival
Removed many orks from entrenched positions, downgraded several Ork heavy units

campscen 7b Mountainous Evasion
Increase turn limit by 5

campscen 8 Arrival at Hades
Removed some extra Ork Artillery, Infantry, and Tank units

campscsn10 Mobile Defence Force
Added graphic for settlements on road ends
Fixed VH Appearance triggers
Add 2 turns to turn limit

campscen11 Counter-Siege Raiding
Fixed triggers to not instantly end scenario in victory
Added AUX bomber units to

campscen12 Final Stand at Archeron
Corrected victory triggers
Added message for turn 13 arrival
Added message for turn 14 arrival
Fixed color on ultramarine drop pods
Added more space marine tank units

Act2 scenarios:

Campscen13 Relief Operation
Added Ultramarines to available roster
Removed bonus text
Removed 1,1 Victory Hex

Campscen14 Breakthrough Operation
Removed bonus text

Campscen18 Defending Tartarus Industry
Made it easier to capture first three VH, also removed ork support infantry near them

Act3 scenarios:
Increased Turn limit for all act3 scenarios by at least 2 turns

CampScen21.whscn Battle on the Stygies
Fixed victory trigger detection
Add more Salamander AUX units

Fixed victory trigger detection
Removed a few ork super heavy units
Increased number of refugee units
Added trigger to end scenario in defeat earlier if too many refugee units are lost and no VH remain to take

Fixed victory trigger detection

CampScen25.whscn The Final Death Mire
Fixed victory trigger detection
Added AUX yarrick, dante, and several Ultramarines to assist player force

Other Changes:

All units should have primary, secondary, and tertiary weapon graphics and graphic alignment complete. This should help identify the exact weaponry units are firing with and it also looks really cool!

Bug Fixes:

0. Unhandled exception CTD error occurs frequently.
1. Animations play at the wrong hex if you move a unit before waiting for combat to complete.
2. Replacements not automatically being issued at the start of a scenario.
3. Upgrade function does not work properly in deploy phase, changing steel legion infantry to anything else does appear to function, but actually the reserve list is not updating properly until manually refreshed.
4. Unit total strength is not recalculating properly depending on upgrades (normal infantry upgrade to MG team results in 20 str MG team)
5. Deployment limit can be circumvented by buying excessive units before deploying them down
6. Steel legion command company seems to be able to assault from range 2
7. Animations that are out of range still fire when a secondary weapon has more ranged over primary weapon
9. Upgrade button can be interacted with during a scenario.
10. Game text interface, such as character dialogue and pop up text messages, are not showing any apostrophe markings.
11. Transports have direct relationship to units they carry. 20 strength infantry generates 20 count of vehicles.
12. Transport health has a direct relationship to units they carry. 3 health transport only has 1 health when carrying 1 health infantry.
13. Transport movement icon on the minimap is vertical instead of horizontal.
14. Units cannot deploy on buildings with transports attached, but can walk in after the battle begins.
15. Point total for scenarios is not calculating force make up that is being brought into the scenario.
16. Space Marine units in player CORE are not subtracting from total scenario point limit.
17. Once you buy the scenario limit for units, you lose the ability to upgrade units with a transport option as well as the ability to upgrade units at all.
18. Disband button greyed out during deploy phase.
19. When AI goes first, AI takes turn after turn with no player intervention.
20. "i have seen a lot of transports where it miss calculate the strength. A unit with 2 in strength gives a transport with 0 strength" Recommend minimum be set for when switching to transports, and that number be set to 1.
22. It is possible to de-sync unit visual location with unit actual location if enough orders are queued quickly enough. (issuing undo orders before a unit finishes moving to its destination)
23. Global experience set in a scenario is being overwritten because the default experience on a unit when placed is 0.
24. Purchase button for Space Marine units is always greyed out.
25. Newly Purchasing a Scout Titan and instantly deploying it results in the Titan unit having 0/15 health.
26. Units that are randomly placed through the 'randomize unit placement' function of the editor are de-synced with their visual location(wherever they were placed on the map) and actual location(new location the game randomly placed the unit).
27. Platform units are showing up in certain buy filters.
28. Transports are showing up as independent units in the 'all' filter.
29. Fixed several units with the wrong movement type.
30. Possible bug, if you lose a unit during a scenario, you can buy a new one and deploy it in the standard deploy zones. Purchasing units mid scenario may be unintentional.

1S. Victory Triggers for Scenario1A are not reading properly. Number of Side 1 units in Zone 10 is more than 3 is not ending scenario in victory.
2S. Tutorial 3 objective message appearing at wrong time
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** Beta 4 Release No

Post by Kerensky »

Important feedback needed on this latest build:

1. We need campaign feedback, especially Act2 and Act3 campaign feedback!! Tutorial and Act1 I've personally tested quite a bit already and this content also has a few comments from players, but 2 and 3 are still far too virgin for my liking. There are entry points to directly enter Act2 and Act3, please make use of them and give us your feedback!

2. Aggressive price balancing is another item that could use some attention. There are many units that have really powerful, or weak, capabilities because of their weapon load outs. For example, Space Marine Tactical has less than half the offensive power of Space Marine Tactical with Grav Guns because of the simple fact that the former unit is a 1 weapon unit and the later is a 2 weapon unit. Another example is the Destroyer unit, who is held back quite a bit by the fact that it is a single unit weapon. This is fine, and it does add considerable unit variety, but it must be properly priced balanced. For example, the Destroyer unit will probably be available at a significant discount. The Stormsword upgrade is another example. With it's reduced armament, it's price and general stats have been altered to better reflect it's capabilities. Any help or suggestions from our play testers in this regard would be most welcome!
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** Beta 4 Release No

Post by zakblood »

24. Purchase button for Space Marine units is always greyed out.

question regarding or same as this one if i may?

same for air power / units?

always seems to be greyed out also, the odd air units you can buy are elsewhere under other headings, thought i'd ask here tbh as you may or may not see it elsewhere, ty...
purchase.png (231.58 KiB) Viewed 5856 times
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** Beta 4 Release No

Post by zakblood »

not to rush any one, but if you do want the latest one fully testing(the one your working on now that is, it has taken me 2 full days, so others may take more or less as well as there's not only me doing it) over 16 hours plus to do it so far, that's tutorials, 3 acts / campaigns and feedbacks with screenshots...

so 2 more days are needed, so as long as it's done 3 to 4 days before release date, no problem, as anything found can be corrected then as well if needed, or released as gold 8)

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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** Beta 4 Release No

Post by Kerensky »

BETA4 to BETA 5/RC1 version Changelog:

Unit Balance Changes:
Massive rebalancing done to unit costs. Units with multiple weapon systems that multiply their combat effectiveness were especially affected
Titans have a special attribute that doubles their Rate of Fire, but only when they are on the offensive. This was done to increase Titan offensive capabilities while preventing their retaliation from being too strong and also not letting units who share titan weapons gain unneeded power boosts. That means you, Marcharius Vulcan.

Raised defense of large ork monsters such as squiggoth
Upgraded rhino given upgraded base stats
Slightly reduced price of titans
Increased movement and spotting of scout titan by 1 each
Increased base accuracy of destroyer anti tank
Salamander centurion assault squad have got their melta guns back
Thunderfire cannon moved to heavy infantry class
Changed all gunships to aircraft class
Slightly boosted some light vehicle formation sizes
Removed ogryns and their veteran upgrade from the game
Swapped hive gang unit cards
All instances of Deff Dredd with Kustom Mega Blasta have been replaced with Deff Dread with Big Shoota
Devil dog and similar units all have scouting 2
Raised defense of every unit that is below 50 about 5

Weapon file changes
Ammo counts have been nullified
Bale eye reduced to range 1 and accuracy reduced to 50% (only Yarrick has the eye not the whole squad!)
Ironclad assault launcher reduced to range 1
Hyperious missile reduced to range 3
Rattler kannon reduced to range 2
Burna reduced to 1 range
Removed range penalty from laser destroyer weapon
Medusa siege gun range increased to 3
Increase minimum and maximum range of heavy siege mortar by 1

2 flamers increased to 6 shots
2 flamestorm cannons increased to 6 shots
2 heavy flamers increased to 6 shots
Punisher gatling cannon increased to 6 shots
Vulcan mega bolter increased to 8 shots
Rattler cannon increased to 7 shots
Quake cannon increased to 2 shots
Lightning claw increased to 4 shots
Graviton gun and cannon reduced to 1 shot

Range penalty for graviton and melta weapons increased to -20% per hex
Removed terror from gut buster mega kannon
Added siege trait to hellhammer cannon and stormshard mortars
Removed area trait from the weapon file
Reduced gaze of mork penetration from 100% to 60%

Scenario Changes:
Tutorial 3
Cleaned up problems with invisible cliffs

Scen 2B
Cleaned up problems with invisible cliffs

Removed bonus text

added extra reinforcmement points and aux helper units

Scen 11
added 3 turns to turn limit

Scen 12
Added one unit of 20 strength for lore purposes
Deleted 2nd redundant, message in scenario 12

Lowered point setting for a few act2 scenarios slightly.
Increased map width left by 2

Added 2 turns to turn limit

Added rough terrain under machine graveyards
Scenario 15 has been added back into the campaign

More replacement money should be available to the player now
Reduced turn limit to 12
Made all orks on map attacker when 1 vh is captured
Added more ork heavy tanks behind trench line

Scen16 and Sen 17, fixed ruins settlements on roads to just be settlements with correct art

Scen 17
More replacement money should be available to the player now
Added art for one bridge location
Changed ork camps in middle from normal to ruins

More replacement money should be available to the player now

Removed illegal unit on far left side of map
Replaced all Orgryn units with alternates, added more escorts to Von Strab

Changed act3 points alottment to about half of what it used to be (around 9000 now)
Add several bands of attack AI orks in all scenarios of act3

scen 20
group of 5, 5, and 7 attacking orks added

scen 21
group of 5, 6, and 8 attacking orks added

scen 22
group of 4, 4, 4, and 10 attacking orks added

scen 23
group of 5, 5, and 11 attacking orks added

scen 24
group of 6 and 7 attacking orks added

scen 25
Turn limit increased to 35
group of 6, 6, 6, and 15 attacking orks added

Other Changes:
Added scenario objectives to the scenario objective lines in all WHLOC files.
All 10 mp maps are now online and should be in a playable state with unit populations and settings
Added strength plate assignments in the editor to mission critical units

To create a better sense of unit progression with the absence of the unlock system, Availability files have been modified and need re-assignment. The new order is:
Avail 1 through 5 corresponds to tutorial scenarios 1-5
avail 6 is the start of act1 scen 1-4
avail 6M is the mid of act1 scen 5-12
avail 7 is the start of act2 scen 13-16
avail 7M is the mid of act2 scen 17-19
avail 8 is the start of act3 scen 20-24

Basic pop up messages have been added at the start of missions when these extra units become available:
Scenarios tutorial 5, 5, 13, 17, 20

Salamander Marines have been removed from the beginning of act2 to fit the lore stating Salamanders remained behind to secure Archeron and fight for river crossings while Blood Angels join the player on the way to Hades.
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** RC1 Release Notes

Post by zakblood »

can you double check the last mission for me again, as twice now i have finished it, and twice once done one you press the button after if shows you the end screen picture saying victory, it loops back to the start of the same battle and tries to make you re play it again, first time it happened i thought i'd pressed the wrong button, but just done it again now and it did the same thing, so battle is over and you have won a great victory, just a reply it over and over again loop.... ty
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** RC1 Release Notes

Post by IainMcNeil »

What resolution are you playing on? Can you send a saved game from before you win so we can check it out?
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Re: ****** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! ****** RC1 Release Notes

Post by zakblood »

replayed it a 4th time and it worked fine 1920x1080 so like he said i must have just pressed restart etc, i would have been surprised to have done it once, twice maybe, but it seems i must have done it 3 times now, but double checked it now, the 4th play and then it worked right, so guess i must have in the excitement tbh :shock: :wink:
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