Objective Modes and Tournament Scoring

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Experience every bone-rattling explosion and soul-crushing charge in Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector, the definitve battle-scale game of turn-based strategy and fast-paced combat that takes you to the battlefields of the 41st Millenium.
Black Lab Studios
Black Lab Studios
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Objective Modes and Tournament Scoring

Post by blacklab »

Here you will find a guide to the various objective types that are available for multiplayer matches of Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector, along with information about how the bonuses are calculated for tournament matches.

Objective Modes

Eliminate all of the opponent’s units. Points are awarded immediately at the time of the unit kill and is calculated by working out the destroyed unit’s percentage to the total army value. For example, if a unit worth 70 points is killed in a 1500 point army, the player is awarded 5 points.

Control the objective zone to dominate. Points are earned by keeping the control zone clear of enemy units. The match ends when the point limit or turn limit has been reached or the entire enemy army has been eliminated. Points are awarded at the start of a turn when units are within the control zone. Points are given based on the unit count advantage in the control zone
  • Gain +5 points if you have at least one unit within the control zone, plus;
  • Gain +5 points if you have more units within the control zone than your opponent, plus;
  • Gain +5 points if your opponent has no units within the control zone.
The maximum number of points earned in a single turn is 15 and the maximum number of points earned for the Conqueror objective is 100.

Strategic Command
Secure as many of the five control points on the map as possible. An opponent’s control point can be claimed if left undefended. The match ends when the point limit or turn limit has been reached or an entire army has been eliminated. The player with the most points wins, not necessarily the survivor. Points are awarded at the start of a turn for each control point secured.
  • Gain +5 points for every Control Point you have secured.
The maximum number of points earned in a single turn is 25 and the maximum number of points earned in the Strategic Command objective is 100.

Attack and defend control points. One player is the defender and the other player is the attacker. There are five control points on the map that take multiple turns to capture. The match ends when the point limit or turn limit has been reached or the attacker’s army has been eliminated. The unit capturing the point will not be able to move during this time. Once a capture point has been claimed it cannot be recaptured by the defender.

Attacking: +25 points are awarded for each capture point claimed. Points are awarded at the end of the turn.

Defending: The defender has a larger deployment area for the start of the game. The defender gains points by killing the opponent’s units. Points are calculated by working out the destroyed unit’s percentage to the total army value and awarded when the unit is killed. The defender will automatically gain reinforcements at the start of their turn if their army is almost destroyed.

Reinforcements: Reinforcements are only available as the defender. Additional infantry units, worth a quarter of the total army point value, will be deployed when the defending army drops below a certain point value. For example, if a 1000 point army is reduced to 30% of the total value then 4 infantry units will be deployed at 250 points.

Tournament Scoring

Victory bonuses are added in order to help differentiate between winners on the leaderboard. The bonus is awarded to the winner of the match and is only applied to naturally completed games. The Victory bonus also comprises two individual bonuses that take into account the army point values (Might) and the remaining turns at the end of the match (Fury). These bonuses are calculated from the base score of the winner and added after the initial scoring phase.

The Victory bonus is always applied to the victor and equates to 5% of the winner’s points, before bonuses have been applied. For example, if you win with a base score of 80 points, the Victory bonus will be 4 points.

The Might bonus is calculated by using the difference between the two army’s point values and is equal to 10% of the army point difference, to a maximum of 25 points. For example, if the winner has an army point value of 1950 and the loser has an army point value of 2000, the Might bonus will be 5 points.

The Fury bonus is based on how many turns (inclusive of the current turn) remain at the end of the match. This is calculated using 2.8% x (Winner’s points x rounds remaining). For example, if the match is won at turn 6 then with a base score of 80 then the Fury bonus will be 7 points.

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