Is there any way limit the deployment "altitude" difference?

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Is there any way limit the deployment "altitude" difference?

Post by MVP7 »

I'm pretty much certain there's no way to mod the game but I'm throwing this out here anyways. Is it possible to clamp down the altitude difference at the start of random battles?

I really like Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. I don't really mind that the game takes place in space yet there is very clearly defined up/down direction and the ships can't roll. I don't really even mind that the said altitude is the single most important tactical aspect of the entire combat system (despite the game taking place in space). While completely nonsensical the "altitude" management feels a bit like aerial combat (where higher altitude is an advantage) or age-of-sail naval battle (where being up wind-is an advantage). When both sides start at fairly similar altitude it adds some interesting short and long term decisions regarding armor management, tilting and firing arcs.

I like the campaign missions and even the endless generic battles CAN be fun. Where the game stops being fun for me is when the enemy fleets in random battles keep spawning waaaay below my deployment zone! It happens constantly, and every time it happens the entire "battle" turns into this absurd race to the "bottom of the space" like some some kind of scifi Monty Python sketch. Any suspension of disbelief regarding the "altitude" is instantly gone and what could be a fun random missions start to feel like a joyless grind.

I can deal with the low altitude deployments by moving my own deployment away (ship by ship since group selection doesn't work in deployment mode...) and running away while reducing my altitude. It is not interesting, it is not tactical, it is not good gameplay, at the worst it is essentially a 10+ turn delay to the start of the real battle when I can actually fire more than a few of my guns at the enemy ships and avoid taking damage exclusively to my bottom armor from every direction... "Low altitude" deployments are ridiculous, they are complete waste of time and they happen constantly! Somehow it feels like it has gotten even worse than back when the game was new.

Another smaller yet similarly annoying slap in the face in missions generation are the missions where the enemy fleet starts "behind" the player fleet (even though we are jumping in...). All this does is force me to mirror my entire deployment (twice, to fix it in the next battle) and to do a 180 during the first 2 turns of battle (at least that's couple free turns to race to the bottom...). It has no real tactical significance, it's nothing but busywork and it's a complete waste of time (unlike enemy units that jump in from unexpected direction during the battle).

I know the devs have moved on to make some kind of WH40K themed electronic dance party game and the this game is finished. I'm really just ranting after a ragequit (caused by low altitude deployments in four consecutive battles) because it's such a shame that a great game has so small yet incredibly frustrating and prominent problem that could probably be fixed by changing a handful of float values.
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Re: Is there any way limit the deployment "altitude" difference?

Post by AWDAJ »

This annoys me too. Should start on an even level or have the option to increase or decrease the altitude at the beginning of the game
Lance Corporal - SdKfz 222
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Re: Is there any way limit the deployment "altitude" difference?

Post by Riekopo »

They just updated it recently so maybe it's not finished. This annoys me as well. What's also annoying is that altitude is important but we can't see our weapons vertical firing arcs. Only shows us the horizontal.
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