[NFO] Controls

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[NFO] Controls

Post by cothyso »

LMB = left mouse button
RMB = right mouse button
LALT = left ALT
RALT = right ALT
RCTRL = right CTRL

The minimum controls you need to know about:
a) in game:
- no picked-up BG + LMB on a moveable BG => picking the BG up
- picked-up BG + LMB on a deployment area free hex => places the BG
- (no picked-up BG + LMB on a moveable BG + hold & drag + LMB release => places the BG)
- no selected BG + LMB on a selectable BG => selects a BG
- selected BG + LMB on a MArea hex => moves a BG to the desired MArea hex
- selected BG + mouse hoovering over a MArea hex => automatic movement path
- selected BG + LALT + mouse hoovering over a EBG => changes impact hex selection
- selected BG + LALT + mouse hoovering over an impact hex => changes charged EBG selection
- selected BG + LCTRL + mouse hoovering over a MArea hex => manual movement path
- selected BG + RMB + hold & drag => rotates the BG
- no selected BG + Z + RMB => switches BG's evade behavior (always evade(default)/auto/no evade)
- no selected BG + X + RMB => switches BG's alternative version (mounted/dismounted)
- LCTRL + M => toggles the minimap on/off (default on)
- M => switches the minimap min zoom/max zoom
- C => switches the combat prediction panel info on/off
- G => switches the map hex grid info on/off
- , -> switches the AORC (area of ranged combat) on/off
- . -> switches the AOC (area of command) on/off
- R => rotates the map
- U => action undo
- P => pauses the game
- ENTER -> turn end
- LCTRL + Q -> game quit
- Y => toggles the MP Chat on/off
- ` (the key to the left of the 1 key, upper left part of the keyboard for most of the keyboards) -> toggles the Debug Console on/off (default off)
- LCTRL + ` (the key to the left of the 1 key, upper left part of the keyboard for most of the keyboards) -> toggles the Gameplay Console on/off (default off)
- (DBG) no selected BG + RCTRL + LMB => forces a cohesion rise on the clicked BG
- (DBG) no selected BG + RCTRL + RMB => forces a cohesion drop on the clicked BG
- (DBG) RALT + LMB/RMB & drag => free placement/rotation of BGs (to allow set up test positions fast)
- (DBG) L -> BG's rear area display
- (DBG) K -> BG's front area display
- (DBG) BG + J + RMB -> opens BG editor
- (DBG) N + RMB -> toggles hex'es mark on/off
- (DBG) [ -> BG info keep current on/off
- (DBG) ] -> Hex info keep current on/off
- (Replay) Space -> next replay event
- (Replay) N -> next replay point load
- B -> toggles the button bars on/off
- TAB -> toggles GUI on/off
- LCTRL + O -> toggles mouse cursor on/off
- F1 switches help on/off
- F11 takes a screenshot
- F12 switches the Debug Menu on/off. You can use it to modify console's output (first column), to force the output of various game methods (second column, the names should be self explanatory), or turn various panels on/off and also modify their output
b) main menu:
- RALT + F5 -> converts legacy scenarios
- RALT + F7 -> packs all separate
- RALT + F8 -> packs all
- (DBG) RALT + F9 -> unpack all
c) editor:
- BG tool:
- LMB + no BG on hex -> place BG
- LMB + no BG on hex + RCTRL -> force place a DS BG (double-sized battle-group)
- LMB + a BG on hex + hold & drag -> move BG
- RMB + a BG on hex + hold & drag -> BG change facing
- RMB + a BG on hex + LCTRL -> edit BG properties
- RMB + a BG on hex + RCTRL -> delete BG
- Elevation tool:
- LMB -> place (cascaded) elevation
- LMB + LALT -> group set same elevation (all hexes with the same elevation as the edited hex, and "touching" it will be forced to the new elevation)
- RMB + elevated hex -> elevation hillsided/steep switch
- RMB + elevated hex + LCTRL -> group elevation hillsided/steep switch (for all hexes "touching" the edited hex)
- Hex tool
- LMB + non-paired terrain type -> set terrain type
- LMB + non-paired terrain type + drag -> group set terrain type
- LMB + paired terrain type + drag -> set paired terrain type (roads, streams)
- RMB -> resets any terrain type to Open, no elevation, no pairs, no special terrain (and updates all neighbor hexes)
- RMB + RALT -> marks the hex (a "m" will apear in front of Hex[]'ex info from the Hexes primary info area)
- RMB + RCTRL -> switches hex'es force-edge property true/false (default is true): used to force the map edge hexes material index from auto to manual)
- General
- H -> switches on/off an over-hex tooltip window

There are various other controls, especially for the editor, but you should be fine with the above short list.

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